Thursday, 12 May, 2022
Atlantic Technological University (ATU) Donegal, in conjunction with the Sport Concussion Awareness and Training (SCAT) project, will host a hybrid event on Thursday, 12 May, which will delve into sport concussion research that is currently being undertaken by an Erasmus+ funded project.
The Sport Concussion Awareness and Training (SCAT) project aims to provide an in depth understanding of the definition and implications of concussion in a sport and exercise setting and focuses on supporting and providing continuous professional development to teachers, trainers, and mentors. SCAT Project partners include ATU Donegal; ATU Galway; La Trobe University, Australia; Oxford Brookes University, UK; University of Southern Denmark; and The International Concussion and Head Injury Research Foundation (ICHIRF).
As part of this project, ATU Donegal are hosting a hybrid event on the May 12 at 5:30pm titled, “Concussion Conference: How To Explain The Invisible”
The first session will feature a panel which will give perspectives on concussion from various angles. The panel includes Consultant Surgeon, Donegal GAA team doctor and former International Rules team doctor, Mr. Kevin Moran; former Donegal GAA player and current Sports Scientist to US Soccer, Kate Keaney; and PhD researcher in Concussion Education and Awareness from ATU Galway, Caomhan Conaghan. The second session will give ATU student researchers a platform to share their current research.
This event will highlight the need for concussion education at all levels of sport. Attendees will receive a copy of a training guide developed by the SCAT project team and will have the opportunity to give feedback on the document at the event.
Event Details:
ATU Donegal – SCAT Project Concussion Conference Series:
“How To Explain The Invisible”
Date: May 12th
Time: 5:30pm-7:30pm
Location: ATU Donegal, Letterkenny Campus & Online
Session 1: Panel Perspectives on Concussion
Practitioner – Mr. Kevin Moran Consultant Surgeon

Athlete – Kate Keaney

Education – Caomhan Conaghan

Session 2: Student Research Showcase

The event will take place in the ATU, Letterkenny campus with limited tickets available. The event will be live streamed for those who cannot attend in person.