
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Emma Finnegan

Emma Finnegan

Research Assistant & Project Coordinator
ATU, Galway

Emma Finnegan obtained a BSc (Hons) Degree of Health Sciences and Nutrition. With over 4 years’ experience in Health and Nutrition, she is extremely passionate about the impact nutrition and fitness behaviour has on the physical body and personal wellbeing. Emma provides nutrition consultancy across the academic, food, sports and wellbeing sectors. She currently coaches underage ladies football teams, runs female specific fitness classes and active wellness charity events. Emma has extensive experience in working with start-up companies and has worked alongside a number of successful entrepreneurs in the Irish health and fitness industry. She also works as a brand ambassador for a whole food start-up company in Galway, Ireland and enjoys supporting local start-up companies into fruition. 

Currently Emma is the Project Coordinator for the Erasmus+ project; ‘Developing and Sustaining Female Food Entrepreneurs’. She is experienced in project coordination and execution and works alongside the Project Manager and Consortium to manage and deliver the project activities and outputs. With skills in business start-up, marketing, branding and project coordination, Emma manages the project marketing and dissemination activities to ensure that the project and its outputs reach a wide audience and achieve the desired impact. Recently she has commenced research in Rural Entrepreneurship in the West of Ireland.

Emma is a current ATU, MSc researcher investigating the ‘Role of Nutrition in Concussion Recovery and Management’ under the supervision of Dr Lisa Ryan and Ed Daly.