Project Title: SCAT Get your head in the game – sports concussion awareness and training
Project number: 2019-1-IE01-KA202-051555
Project Overview
Get your head in the game – sports concussion awareness and training (SCAT)
is a European Erasmus+ funded project incorporating a multi-national and multi-disciplinary approach to developing educational materials for VET providers focussed on the area of concussion education and awareness. The project is led by Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (Ireland) in partnership with Letterkenny Institute of Technology (Ireland), the International Concussion and Head Injury Research Foundation (UK), Oxford Brookes University (UK), the Southern Denmark University (Denmark) and La Trobe University (Australia).
The context for the project is the overwhelming need for professional development in the area of concussion awareness training and management for VET teachers involved in programmes related to health, medical, sport and exercise.
The overall aim of this highly innovative project is to develop an in depth understanding of the definition and implications of concussion in a sport and exercise setting by equipping VET educators with an innovative pedagogy guide, informed by the findings of a systematic literature review, and a training module that will provide them with the knowledge and materials to develop concussion specific training that will be influenced by health professionals and experts in the field.
The main objectives of this landmark project are;
– to upskill VET educators in the area of concussion in training, awareness and management and to empower them with the tools to incorporate this type of concussion-specific training into their programmes
– to dissipate the uncertainty and fear surrounding concussion in contact sports by making resources, current research and information available to the public via the online Module
The project team believe that by informing society on concussion in sports they would expect to see a decrease in misinformation and an increase in the amount of people engaging with sport and recreational activity thus contributing to a healthier population.
SCAT commenced in December 2019 and will hold a range of conferences and project events over the coming two and half years. If you are interested in engaging with the project please contact the lead partner Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology . The project team will launch a project website (www.concussioninsports.eu) in April 2020 that will provide detailed information on the project and associated events.
Project Contact:
Maria McDonagh | Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Dublin Road, Galway, Ireland
Tel: +353 (0)91 742510 | Email: maria.mcdonagh@gmit.ie
W: www.creatingentrepreneursinfood.eu