
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Culture & Environment

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The way you talk about and react to concussion will influence how others react

Culture can be defined as a way of life, including the attitudes, behavior and opinions of a specific group of people. All sport has it´s own cultural norms and values. Examples are: 

  • in some sports it is still viewed as weak if you have to come off the pitch
  • many coaches are not paid, but they do it for the love of the game
  • amateur sports are seeing an increased level of professionalism and athletes try to train and perform like elite athletes
  • there is a growing attention from sports associations to facilitate participation over performance in youth sport

Environment is the conditions in which you live and work, and how these conditions influence how you feel or act. In a good concussion environment:

  • everyone feels safe to speak up regarding their own concussion or that of a fellow athlete
  • every person involved in sport know their role in concussion management 
  • there are clearly defined steps for all involved
  • there is communication between the athlete, parents, coaches, teachers and health professionals
  • the organisation has a coherent policy that everyone buys into

Paying attention to the characteristics of the environment and culture of your sport is the first step to make change – if needed. And culture and environment can be changed, if you know the role you play.

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Culture of the environment: the management of concussion

What are characteristics of the youth/national/sport and study culture in your country and sport? ​

What are the main challenges/barriers and opportunities in the environment that influence the management of concussion? ​

What is a good environment?

What do you consider to be a good environment regarding the management of concussion? 

What tells you it is a good/poor environment, what is important?

Consider and discuss with your peers: What are the next steps and actions I or we will take?

Useful Resources